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Install 7 Zip Compression Tool

Install 7 Zip Compression Tool

7-zip is a free and open-source compression application. It archives the files with a high compression ratio. The Play CrimKri Hello, Hey CE Expert!!!! Thanks to help me last time about LibreOffice. It is a nice application, and I am creating my project in it. Now, I...
Advanced Installation of Winamp on Windows

Advanced Installation of Winamp on Windows

Winamp is a free music application to play the offline or downloaded songs in your computer. The Play CrimKri Hello, Hey CE Expert!!!! Thanks to help me last time about Inkscape and other tools. Now, I need your help to select a good songs player on the Windows that...
Advanced Installation of Node.js

Advanced Installation of Node.js

Node.js is an event-driven runtime JavaScript framework, that works asynchronously. You can use it create simple program or network applications. Suppose your program wants to send multiple calls to the server app, but also goes idle for some time. Learn about the...
Install Epic Browser

Install Epic Browser

Epic Privacy Browser is a free Chromium-based browser. It does not study and create your profile to show you stupid Ads. They do not do any tracking. Their browser is privacy-oriented and has inbuilt VPN. Learn about its installation. The Play CrimKri Hello, Hey CE...
Install Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free and a good coding app for the developers. It features syntax highlighting, embedded Git, snippets, code completion, and code refactoring. In this blog post, CrimKri is asking the Computation Expert about a free Coding App for his freelance...