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Epic Privacy Browser is a free Chromium-based browser. It does not study and create your profile to show you stupid Ads. They do not do any tracking. Their browser is privacy-oriented and has inbuilt VPN. Learn about its installation.

The Play

CrimKri Hello, Hey CE Expert!!!! Thanks to help me for LibreOffice, GIMP, and Visual Studio Code. They were nice applications.
CrimKri Now, I need your help to select a good Web browser that is more secure than others. It should not show ads and should have inbuilt VPN.
CrimKri Also, there should be no profiling of me. There should be no one to examine my activities to display the Ads.
CE~RamExpc Any thing else?
CrimKri I am not gonna pay for it.
CE~RamExpc Why don’t you select simple yet secured Epic Browser. It is a free Chromium-based browser. It does not study and create your profile to show you stupid Ads. They do not do any tracking. Their browser is privacy-oriented and has inbuilt VPN.
CrimKri Wow! It is like a magic
CE~RamExpc Yes, it is magical browser.
CrimKri Who created it?
CE~RamExpc Hidden Reflex company founded by Alok Bhardwaj created this magical yet secured and private browser.
CrimKri Wow!! So nice. I am so excited. How can I install it?

The Action

CE~RamExpc in Action

Auto-installation of Epic Browser

Perform the following steps to install the EPIC Browser.

  1. Visit the Epic Browser Website External URL Icon in your browser on your computer.

    Epic Browser Website

    Epic Browser Website

  2. Click the Download Epic Now button. It starts the download as per your browser’s preference. It will either download directly to the default download folder or prompt you to save the file manually. In my case, the system displayed it.

    Downloading EPIC Browser

    Downloading EPIC Browser

  3. Click the Save as button to save the file on your disk drive. It displays the following dialog box.


    Save the setup file

  4. Select the location where you want to download the file.
  5. You can rename the file, if required. But, I skipped this step.
  6. It is obvious that you have to click the Save button in this dialog box. It saves the file on your disk drive at your selected location.

    Downloaded the setup file

  7. Go to the selected location.


    Folder containing the setup file

  8. Double click to open the setup file. It displays the following page.


    Downloading the main setup file

  9. It will automatically install the Epic Browser and launch it.


    Installed the Epic Browser

  10. Click the Close button to complete the installation process.
  11. I’m sure you will like using the Epic Browser. If yes, please donate to this noble cause at Epic Browser – Donate External URL Icon.


    Donate for Epic Browser

Please share the name of secured Web browser you are using. And do share your feedback for Epic Browser.

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