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Install Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free and a good coding app for the developers. It features syntax highlighting, embedded Git, snippets, code completion, and code refactoring. In this blog post, CrimKri is asking the Computation Expert about a free Coding App for his freelance...
Advanced Installation of GIMP

Advanced Installation of GIMP

GIMP is an open-source, free, and a good graphics application for the home, work, and student users. You can morph screenshots, optimize images, and create artwork in it. In this blog post, CrimKri is asking the Computation Expert about a free Graphics App for the...
Advanced Installation of LibreOffice

Advanced Installation of LibreOffice

LibreOffice is an open-source, free, and a good Office Suite for the home, work, and student users. You can create projects, write scripts, calculate the data, and create slides using it. In this blog post, CrimKri is asking the Computation Expert about an office...